Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Ethics Of Whistle Blowing Essay - 1261 Words

Whistle-blowing is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not correct either private or public within an organization or company. When an individual discovers evidence of malpractice or misconduct in an organization he/ she faces an ethical dilemma in which a decision has to be made. Either present documentation or turn the blind eye and not acknowledge the situation. Such information can be classified as a violation of company policy, rules, and regulations or a threat to public interest, national security, as well as fraud and corruption. Those that choose to become whistle-blowers can disclose their information either internal or external. Internal, whistle-blower is an individual that can bring information or accusations to the attention of other people within the accused company such as a supervisor. The supervisor then has to follow protocol and procedures to address the issue. However, if the supervisor cannot contain the issue, it will escalate to a higher level of management. External whistle-blowing allegations are bought forth by involving outside third party such as media, law enforcement and government. Internal whistle-blowing within an organization involves over 75 % of employees of wrong doings such as vandalism, absenteeism and damages. Even though several companies detect some misbehavior within the company, whistle-blowing was first presented as an ethical issue over more than 20 years ago. ManyShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Whistle Blowing Essay1486 Words   |  6 PagesWhistle-blowing Whistle-blowing is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or not correct either private or public within an organization or company. When an individual discovers evidence of malpractice or misconduct in an organization he/ she faces an ethical dilemma in which a decision has to be made. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Poverty Affects Quality Of Life, Well Being, And Health

Poverty negatively impacts quality of life, well-being, and health. In 2015, it was estimated that 21.6% of the Philippine population was in poverty (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016). 8.1% were facing extreme poverty and were below the minimum income required to meet basic food needs (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016). Most of the poor in the Philippines live in rural areas and work in the agriculture sector, mainly farming and fishing (Dy-Liacco, 2014). The poorest families often have low education, limited access to electricity, water and toilet facilities, and limited access to health services (Dy-Liacco, 2014). Urban poverty has also been increasing. Cities have not been able to keep up with the rapid growth of urban†¦show more content†¦The Philippines affords them no protection. The Aeta have become extremely nomadic due to social and economic strain on their culture and way of life that had remained unchanged for thousands of years (Original People Organiza tion, 2012). Emic vs. Etic As an outsider looking in at the poverty situation among the Aeta people, I have a very different perspective that is influenced by where I come from. I am a white, Canadian female who has never experienced poverty. I have easy access to grocery stores, health services, and education. I do not have to worry about malnutrition, contaminated water, natural disasters, or my land being taken away. This has been the Aeta way of life for thousands of years. They do not know what it is like to not live in poverty. It is difficult to know how an Aeta person would view their situation in terms of poverty. Do they describe their lifestyle as simple and sustainable even though they are technically considered to be living in poverty? 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Nutritional Labeling Consumer Buy Behavior â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: What Is The Impact Of Nutritional Labeling On The Consumer Buying Behavior? Answer: Introduction Labeling is the statement which is printed, written or graphic matter in any packaging like container or wrappers and also part of the packaging of the product. The seller or the manufactures of the product always make sure that the product has a proper labeling and tag attached where the detail information of the product is given (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). The labeling of the product is carrying their brand name of manufacturing and sometimes the consumer prefers to looks for the brand name before they buy the food products. The labeling is not only providing the information of the product but also help to establish the market value according to the commodities to highly processed, value-added products (Grunert, Hieke and Wills 2014). The nutrients defines the food value of the product whether those products are healthy to eat and help to keep track on the different food nutrients like fat and sugar, sodium and fiber, protein and carbohydrates. Therefore, when the consumers are buying the product it helps them to understand about the best food values for better and healthier diet (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). Nutritional labeling is important for the seller because it effects on the consumer purchase behavior regarding the products and their nutrients values (Hersey et al. 2013). When consumer finds in the labeling that the food is unhealthy, then they never buy the product. The more presence of nutrients level is increasing in the food products and they mentioned about it in the labeling, more the consumers will prefer to buy the products from the food market. Consumers are always beliefs on the labeling on the food product where they can look for nutrients and get to know about nutrients values because cons umers has a better selection of money. Project Objective The consumer behavior is depends on the nutritional labeling of the food products because the value of the food nutrients will help them to judge healthy foods. It was also found in several researches that 70% consumers are nowadays looks for the nutrients value in the package labeling. Consumers are suffering from the several diseases so whenever they are looking for healthy foods they focused on the nutrients level on the labeling because no one will examine the food quality personally but must depends on the nutrients levels in labeling (Hersey et al. 2013). Therefore the consumer behavior must change according to their impact on their health and wellness. It has always been found that the consumer buying behavior always depends on the quality of the food products which also influenced on the economic, cultural, and psychological and lifestyle factors of the human life (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). In many countries and states it has been found that the nutrient value of food depends on the growth of the children especially in the rural areas. However, in the recent globalized decades it has been found that consumers are become more aware about the demand for high value food products like fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, eggs and fish. Therefore, when they are buying products from the market they must look for the equal nutrients value from every packaged food which they get directly from fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, eggs and fish(Grunert, Hieke and Wills 2014). In several research it has been found that the food value and expire dates are always checked by the consumers before they buy the products. In was also have found that the 26% of consumers are always looks for expire dates and compare foods whereas, 16% of the consumers looks for the nutrients value of the food products. The other 18% of consumers looked only for the brand name on the labeling of the food products. And the rest of the consumers never think to check the nutrients level of the food product because of technical complications, time consuming, unreliability and inconsistency. Therefore it is the duty of the manufacturers to mention every details of the nutrients value in the food products for the awareness of food safety (Hersey et al. 2013). Project Scope The consumers always depend on the several TV commercial to know the food value or a minimum overlook on the packaging of the food products. They also collect information from internet, friends, books or magazines. Therefore it is the duty of the manufacturer to focus on the commercial and the packaging of the food products. The consumers always look for the information where they feel that the presence of nutrient value may increase their health risk. However, there are not many theoretical or guidelines for increasing the nutritional labeling on food items (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). In several researches it has been found that male consumers are less aware about the nutritional value of the food product rather those female consumers. Therefore when the female consumers go to market for buying foods they look for the nutrients level in the food packaging. When the nutrients label in packaging of the food increase the value of selling then it is the duty of the manufactures that they should always mentioned about the nutrient charts in the labeling. The consumers search also depends on individually according to their characters like sex, age, education, household size, special diet status and monthly income (Hersey et al. 2013). In this research it was also found that according to the needs of the customer they choose their food. More of them look for the nutrients chart or some customers never bothered about the charts rather than the brand name or the packaging of the food products. Therefore in the marketing management it is important that when any manufacturer company want to increase their business value then they first need to attract more consumers through several TV commercials and the packaging of the products where not only the included the nutrients value but also help to become more healthy (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). In this above image it has details of the several nutrients value of the food products. Here several of nutrients has been mentioned which is helpful for the customers who are buying the foods. The details of quantity of various nutrients levels help to the consumers to understand which product will be best for their health (Hersey et al. 2013). (Grunert, Hieke and Wills 2014) In this fig: 2 details of how many customers buying the products according to the nutrients level has been showed. It is one of the most valued chart has been displayed which will be helpful for the product manufacturer that they will know the importance of putting the nutrients chart in the labeling. It is the duty of the manufacture that they will make the best relationship with the consumers by providing them several helpful ways to find the best food products for them (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). Therefore it is the aim of this research paper to give outcomes of the labeling of nutrient values in the food packaging and as well as maintain the best relationship with the consumers. Literature Review The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) in the United States of America (USA) thinks that the labeling of the food nutrients value in the packaging help to attract the consumers and also helps to the manufacturers get the best value in the marketing. The nutrient level helps to understand the consumers about the nutritional properties of a food. According to Centre for Food Safety in Hong Kong they think it is a systemic way to give details of the nutrients value of the food (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). The nutrients label uses a proper fact where nutrition information, nutrition fact or nutrition labels is defines. The nutrients label helps a customer to select from several products and also helps them to encourage about the healthy products (Hersey et al. 2013). The nutrients label can be define in three ways which includes the following: The food labels which includes the tag, brand, mark, pictorial or other descriptive matter, written, printed, stenciled, marked, painted, embossed of the company for ant foods The nutritional details which include food label declaring the amount of nutrients contained in the foods. The nutritional label where the nutrients levels have been displayed according to the nutrients facts of the food values. The nutrients is the simple facts and details about the healthy diet by how the customer keep tracks that how much of nutrients like fat and sugar, sodium and fiber, protein and carbohydrates they are getting from the foods. Therefore not only the decoration of the packaging depends but also the nutrient values or label help to the customer to buy foods because they are aware about their health (Hersey et al. 2013). By providing a nutritional label in the food packaging assists the customer in making healthier choice (Grunert, Hieke and Wills 2014). The food nutrients level affects three basis things which are: The basic food product information helps the consumer to know the nutrient value of the food and how it will effect to their health. The details of the nutrients labeling also help to those patient who are under any medical treatment or any difficulties (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). Marketing and advertising is another important strategy for the manufacturer of the food products. The food products which has more details about the nutrient value, the consumer will prefer to buy those products rather that the products which has less information. Several advertisement or the TV commercials also help them to get more attentions from the consumers who are preferred healthier nutrient value foods (Hersey et al. 2013). Healthy and nutritional safety is the most important factor of the labeling of the foods. The more nutrients value will make the food healthier. The risk factors of the food industry also depend in the healthy and nutritional safety because without the packaging of the food products it is not possible to sell them. The nutrients charts carry the details of the manufacturing and the dates show the consumer when it has been made and how long it will safe for them to keep it. Therefore the nutrients safety is more important for the consumers (Hersey et al. 2013) (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017) The food packaging not only displayed the nutrient level of the food products but also it includes the direction of use of the product because sometimes wrong use of foods makes the unhealthy impacts. The nutritional informational panel where the different types of nutrients use in the food has been included. The ingredients which are used for the processing of the food and their values also includes in the packaging (Hersey et al. 2013). The most important is the date for the use of the product also mentioned in the labeling. The brand name, product name and the contact details of the manufacture also included in the labeling (Grunert, Hieke and Wills 2014). It is important to mention every detail of the products because it will help the manufacturer company to attract the consumers and the consumers will also know every little detail about the product before they buy the products from the markets. In the fig: 5 it is a picture of a food product where the details of the labeling has been given (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). The details of the food labeling is important because the consumers response on the food labeling information. If any products labeling carry the various information about the nutrient levels then the consumers beliefs on the products which help the manufacturer in their marketing business. In a research it has been found that the female consumers are more concern before they buying the food products (Font-i-Furnols and Guerrero 2014). According to the gender specification male consumers are looks for the products where the information on health risk, size of serving an indication of vegetarian or non-vegetarian specifications has been given. However the females are look more concerned before buying the product about the price of product, best before and expiry dates, nutrient information list and information on use or preparation methods (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). Therefore it can be stated that when someone buying the food products always make their concerns of buying the p roducts (Hersey et al. 2013). It has been found that the traditional roles of female consumers are the gatekeeper of household food choices and purchases could motivate their interest in food labels of the food products. Furthermore, their responsibility towards the well-being of their family also creates an awareness of the nutritional content of food because the more nutrients mean a healthier life (Grunert, Hieke and Wills 2014). In another study it has been found that the buying the food product cording to the nutrients labeling depends on the individual characteristics of the consumers. According to the age, gender and education they buy the food like the consumers who are young are little conscious about the nutrients values because they buy the products which they like the most whereas, the middle age consumers are always looks for the foods which has the more nutrients (Font-i-Furnols and Guerrero 2014). The female consumers are more aware rather than the male consumers about the nutrient labeling. Education is one of the main factors to know about the nutrient of the foods. So when a person is educated and has a minimum knowledge about the nutrient always looks for the nutrients in the food labeling whereas, those who has no knowledge about the nutrients factors may avoid the nutrition labeling. They can pick any food products which they like to buy (Hersey et al. 2013). According to the situational, behavioral and attitudinal factor consumers can buy the foods which includes income because according to the income of the consumers they are buying nutrients food (Font-i-Furnols and Guerrero 2014). According to working status consumers having their foods like the workers used to have food which is heavy meal but the corporate people are more conscious about their health, therefore they use light meal food which has more nutrients value. Some of the consumers like to shop more and the special diet consumers always prefer to check the nutrient labeling in the food packaging (Hersey et al. 2013). Diet-health awareness and organic buyers always search food according the most nutrient value products (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). The household like underage or preschool children, married consumers, and household size buy food according to their needs. The meal planners have found the food with high calories because they prefer the tests more rather than the healthy values (Grunert, Hieke and Wills 2014) (Font-i-Furnols and Guerrero 2014). Conclusion According to the above study, it can be concluded that consumers use the nutrients labeling when they decides to buy some food and awareness of healthy benefits. In some research it has also been found that some consumers are agrees to pay extra charges for the nutritional information provided on food items. In additionally it also included that the consumers who are on special dietary status such as diabetics, or heart disease, or vegetarian want to spend more money for nutrients labeling. In the analysis of the research paper it has also been found that consumers search on the food product also depends on individually according to their characters like sex, age, education, household size, special diet status and monthly income (Nuttavuthisit and Thgersen 2017). Accordingly, it could be stated that incorporation of a nutritional panel on the package would enhance the demand for the local food products and it would be an appropriate strategic task for the local food processors. Thereby, these local producers could compete with the other products with nutritional labels and also it would be an ideal strategy in penetrating export markets where the nutritional panel is a legal requirement (Font-i-Furnols and Guerrero 2014). It is noted that both rural and urban consumer have different level of awareness regarding the nutritional labeling. By the use of the nutrients labeling helps us to make the awareness better and helps to get the healthier life. Reference List Andrews, J.C., Lin, C.T.J., Levy, A.S. and Lo, S., 2014, May. Consumer research needs from the food and drug administration on front-of-package nutritional labeling. American Marketing Association. Cannoosamy, K., Pugo-Gunsam, P. and Jeewon, R., 2014. Consumer knowledge and attitudes toward nutritional labels. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 46(5), pp.334-340. Feldmann, C. and Hamm, U., 2015. Consumers perceptions and preferences for local food: A review. Food Quality and Preference, 40, pp.152-164. Font-i-Furnols, M. and Guerrero, L., 2014. Consumer preference, behavior and perception about meat and meat products: An overview. Meat Science, 98(3), pp.361-371. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Market Valuation and Research

Question: Discuss about the market valuation and Research. Answer: Rio Tinto Share Valuation: Depicting the price in which share is purchased in July 2012 and stating the holding period return if shares are sold in November 2016: Particulars Value Purchase price of Rio Tinto in July 2012 $53.20 Income ($0.6851 + $1.85 + $2.23 + $2.98 + $2.11) = $9.86 Capital Gain ($57.75 $53.20) = $4.55 Holding period return after November 2016 (Income + Capital Gain) / Beginning investment Holding period return ($9.86 + $4.55) / $53.20 Holding period return 27.08% Calculating the Expected return on Rio Tinto shares over the period: Particulars Value Government yield (Rf) 2.50% ASX200 expected return (Rm) 10% Rio Tintos beta () 1.3 Expected return Rf + (Rm-Rf) Expected return 2.50% + 1.3 * (10% - 2.50%) Expected return 2.50% + 1.3 * 7.50% Expected return 2.50% + 0.975 Expected return 12.25% Depicting the reason behind change in Rio Tintos dividend policy and providing relevant theoretical knowledge of how change has influenced its share price: The major reason behind the change in dividend policy of Rio Tinto was due to the decline in net profits achieved by the company during 2015 fiscal year. In addition, the overall change in dividend policy of the company negatively reflected in its share price. Moreover, the overall share price of the company mainly fell around 2.65% within two days after the announcement of change in dividend policy. Travlos, Trigeorgis and Vafeas (2015) mentioned that change in expected dividend of the company mainly increases disappointment among investors, which initiates mass sell orders. Furthermore, the Rio Tinto had to change the overall dividend policy due to the overall decline in iron ore prices in the commodity market. On the other hand, Frantisek and Pavel (2015) criticises that dividend policy mainly reduces its friction if the overall performance of the company is not up to the mark of investors. Moreover, Rio Tinto has mainly adopted relevant dividend policy method, as it might help in depicting the overall valuation of the company. In addition, the adoption of relevant theory mainly helps the company to change its overall dividends according to the overall profits generated on the fiscal year. Deshmukh, Goel and Howe (2013) mentioned that due to the impact of relevant dividend theory model investors are mainly able to derive the overall fundamental evaluation of the company. Furthermore, some companies for reducing the overall divined paid to their investors mainly use irrelevant dividend theory. Thus, the overall change in share price of Rio Tinto mainly depicts the impact of relevant divined policy, which is affected by companys overall dividend growth. Providing relevant advice to Donald for investing in Rio Tintos shares: Required rate of return 20% Dividend $ 2.9680 Growth rate 1st to 3rd year 3% Growth rate 4th and 8th year 8% Particulars Formula Amount D1 $ 2.9680 * 103 $ 3.0570 D2 $ 3.0570 * 103 $ 3.1488 D3 $ 3.1488 * 103 $ 3.2432 D4 $ 3.2432 * 108 $ 3.5027 D5 $ 3.5027 * 108 $ 3.7829 D6 $ 3.7829 * 108 $ 4.0855 D7 $ 4.0855 * 108 $ 4.4124 D8 $ 4.4124 * 108 $ 4.7653 P8 (D*(1+g))/ (R - g) (4.7653*(1+8%))/(20%-8%) $ 23.8267 Particulars Amount Discounting value Present value D1 $ 3.0570 0.833333333 $ 2.55 D2 $ 3.1488 0.694444444 $ 2.19 D3 $ 3.2432 0.578703704 $ 1.88 D4 $ 3.5027 0.482253086 $ 1.69 D5 $ 3.7829 0.401877572 $ 1.52 D6 $ 4.0855 0.334897977 $ 1.37 D7 $ 4.4124 0.279081647 $ 1.23 D8 $ 4.7653 0.232568039 $ 1.11 P8 $ 23.8267 0.232568039 $ 5.54 Total Value $ 19.07 Current Share price $ 59.55 Loss $ 40.48 After the evaluation of the overall table a loss in value of shares is mainly identified, which could hamper the overall return of Donald. The finial and interim dividend of Rio Tinto for the year 2015, $2.968 is mainly used, as valuation on single interim dividend was not appropriate. In addition, current share price of Rio Tinto is mainly at 59.55 as of December 19, 2016. Investment in Rio Tinto could mainly increase loss of Donald by $40.48 per share, thus it is advised not to invest in the company. Andriosopoulos and Lasfer (2015) mentioned that dividend discount model mainly depicts the fundamental share price value of the company, which might differ from market valuation. Furthermore, seeing the drastic loss in valuation after 8 years it is not advisable for Donald to invest in Rio Tinto as it might reduce the overall investment capital. However, the high-expected return on such investment has mainly degraded the overall future valuation of the company. In addition, the actual expected return of the company is mainly at 12.25%, which could appreciate the overall share price of the company. Depicting Rio Tintos share price at the end of three years: Required rate of return 20% Dividend $ 2.9680 Growth rate 1st to 3rd year 3% Particulars Formula Amount D1 $ 2.9680 * 103 $ 3.0570 D2 $ 3.0570 * 103 $ 3.1488 D3 $ 3.1488 * 103 $ 3.2432 P3 (D*(1+g))/ (R - g) (3.2432 *(1+3%))/(20%-3%) $ 29.1889 Particulars Amount Discounting value Present value D1 $ 3.0570 0.833333333 $ 2.55 D2 $ 3.1488 0.694444444 $ 2.19 D3 $ 3.2432 0.578703704 $ 1.88 P3 $ 19.6501 0.578703704 $ 16.89 Total Value $ 23.50 Current Share price $ 59.55 Loss $ 36.05 From the evaluation of above tables, share price of Rio Tinto after three years could effectively be identified. This evaluation mainly depicts the loss in overall valuation of share price due to a steady increase of 3% in dividends each year. Moreover, the low dividend growth is accompanied with higher expected return, which is mainly degrading the overall future return from the company. In addition, according to the dividend discount model overall growth in dividend is not adequate, which could help in improving future prices of Rio Tinto. Gleason, Bruce and Li (2013) mentioned that low dividend growth and high expected return of investors mainly degrade the overall fundamental share price valuation of the company. Reference and Bibliography: Andriosopoulos, D. and Lasfer, M., 2015. The market valuation of share repurchases in Europe.Journal of Banking Finance,55, pp.327-339. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2017]. Blum, A., 2016.Equity valuation in China: the case of Baidu(Doctoral dissertation). Cumming, D. and Hou, W., 2014. Valuation of restricted shares by conflicting shareholders in the Split Share Structure Reform.The European Journal of Finance,20(7-9), pp.778-802. Deshmukh, S., Goel, A.M. and Howe, K.M., 2013. CEO overconfidence and dividend policy.Journal of Financial Intermediation,22(3), pp.440-463. (2016).Rio Tinto Surprised the Markets with Dividend Policy Change. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2017] Frantiek, S. and Pavel, D., 2015. The position of management of czech joint-stock companies on dividend policy.E+ M Ekonomie a Management, volume 2015, issue: 2. Gleason, C.A., Bruce Johnson, W. and Li, H., 2013. Valuation model use and the price target performance of sell?side equity analysts.Contemporary Accounting Research,30(1), pp.80-115. Travlos, N.G., Trigeorgis, L. and Vafeas, N., 2015. Shareholder wealth effects of dividend policy changes in an emerging stock market: The case of Cyprus. Vijitha, P. and Nimalathasan, B., 2014. Value relevance of accounting information and share price: A study of listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka.Merit Research Journal of Business and Management,2(1), pp.1-6.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Films Reflection of Modern Society and its Conflicts free essay sample

A study on the Asian films Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Princess Mononok. This paper examines the Asian films Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Princess Mononok. The paper illustrates that the films subject matter is conveyed to the viewer through what they experience in real life and its social issues, as encountered on screen. The author writes that the films deal with the harmony between human and nature, and portray modern social problems in covert ways so the lesson learned can be applied. In Princess Mononoke, the conflict between Tatara group and between the animal inhabitants arises. Tatara iron making group, lead by Lady Eboshi, wants to get rid of gods of the forest in order to take more land for their community; Lady Eboshi gathered the oppressed and the weak to develop their community and she believes that her communitys welfare is more important than that of animal inhabitants, she justifies the action of taking over the forest where animals called home. We will write a custom essay sample on Films Reflection of Modern Society and its Conflicts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the other hand, the animal inhabitants who have been living in the forest way before Tatara iron group arrived believe that they have a right and obligation to protect their space against outside force, Tatara iron group.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

school social worker essays

school social worker essays Want to be a school social worker? To know and understand this job people need to know what it is. A school social worker is a person who deals with students and families lives who may have problems. A school social worker is the one who sits down and discusses and helps cope with these peoples problems. Anyone wanting to pursue the career of becoming a school social worker needs to know the requirements, the hours of the day and also the duties, and last but most important the job advancements. First, to be a school social worker requires certain things as the education, certification, and a little piece of advice, to help to understand the job. To start off with this job, people need to know the education that would be necessary. The minimum requirement in degrees for most every position as a school social worker is the bachelors degree(Elberts-129). If people really wanting to get far in this job than the masters degree is most accepted because the bachelors degree only prepares students for employment, also a social worker with a bachelors degree will receive less pay than one with a masters degree(U.S.16). To get the masters degree, students must complete two or more years of school and must finish a nine hundred hour internship (U.S16). However, the certification for this job is to get the certified licenses needed. A certified license, includes a social work degree, specific work experience, and the passing of an examination (Chronicle-13). The social workers in fe deral, state, and local government agencies, need to pass a civil service test before appointment to a position (U.S-16). Taking these special tests are just little steps to get into the job the person is interested in, everyone who wants a certain position has to do that in order to be placed. Never the less, a piece of advice about this job is, ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English American Wedding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English American Wedding - Essay Example Devine replied with a smile. She said, "It used to be one to two months, but nowadays people are getting busier. They usually go for a two-week honeymoon, three weeks at the most. The couple cannot leave their jobs too long and have to get back to work immediately." With a slight doubt, the grey-colored eye Devine guesses, "I think that traditionally, the man would go down on his knees and propose to the woman he loved with a diamond ring. But time changes although some men still do it. Men start to get more creative in proposing to women." Devine said that wedding reception usually takes place in a hotel or a garden. It serves as a token of gratitude. The couple party with their family and friends. Delicacies and finest foods are served, toasts of wishes for the couple, and a dance. After I laid my final question, the whole class started to get noisier and louder. I was having a lot of fun talking to Devine when Mr. Wonderful stood up in front of the class and told us to stop the discussions. During the reception, the groom and the bride will cut the cake together with a knife and eat it together. The cakes are usually very large and tall stacked in multiple layers. Maybe this shows that Americans love to eat cake and the abundance of the cake represents luck of the couple's marriage that they will always have enough food. Today, the white wedding is considered semi-formal way of uniting ... She greeted me back nicely, "It was nice to talk to you, Dian." It was a great way for me in learning the American wedding culture from my partner, Devine. I thought she was cheerful and friendly. If she will be marrying in the future, I hope she will have a great wedding ceremony. Commentary The term "white wedding" refers to the theme and the color of the wedding dress. The color white symbolizes purity of the heart and the innocence of childhood. According to White also signifies virginity. Maybe the "white wedding" theme has some connection with Christianity. During the reception, the groom and the bride will cut the cake together with a knife and eat it together. The cakes are usually very large and tall stacked in multiple layers. Maybe this shows that Americans love to eat cake and the abundance of the cake represents luck of the couple's marriage that they will always have enough food. The white wedding was first performed by Queen Victoria who wore a white lace dress at her wedding. It is popular today that maybe it shows how Americans are fond of the royal life. Today, the white wedding is considered semi-formal way of uniting a couple. Even so I think that this wedding ceremony is simple. Maybe this has to do with the busy life of American people. Their jobs who keep them busy drive American couples to have a simple and uncomplicated wedding ceremony like the white wedding. Almost a decade had passed; the American wedding traditions have become a lot more liberal. Also, American wedding ceremonies vary according to religion and culture. There are no strict guidelines in celebrating wedding. Narration I am fifteen minutes late when I arrived at my good friend's wedding ceremony held in a Catholic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Environmental Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Environmental Engineering - Essay Example Pesticides are used widely for domestic purposes such as rat killers, mosquito and ant repellents etc. In agricultural sector, pesticide became a main aspect for improving yields. They are used to control insects, weeds, fungal diseases in plants. Pesticides are also used to kill rats, flies which destroy crops and to prevent food from being contaminated. The pesticide era started before 2000 B.C. Around 4500 years ago, ancient Sumerians used elemental sulphur, Compounds of Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury was applied in 15th century. The tobacco product, nicotine sulphate was used in 17th century. Natural products such as pyrethrum and rotenone are obtained from chrysanthemums and vegetables respectively. In 1890s, Lead Arsenate and compounds of di-nitro phenol were used. The 20th century saw introduction of many pesticides such as Arsenic compounds, sulphur products, cyanides and nicotine compounds. In 1932, ethylene was first used as plant growth regulator to promote flowering in pineap ples. In 1939, DDT was discovered. DDT was a powerful insecticide. During 1960, herbicides based on lead and nitrogen, carboxylic acids such as di-chloro phenoxy acetic acid etc. were used. The 20th century saw the use of large amount of pesticides. The developing countries are still using increased amount of pesticides for pest control and crop yield. Every advantage has a disadvantage associated with it. Use of pesticides for crop yield and killing of pests in turn affected the environment, wild life and humans. The use of pesticide increased enormously in 20th century. It was discovered traces of DDT was found in many fish-eating birds and it hindered their reproduction. This was the finding which shocked the world because it hindered bio-diversity. Even though DDT was banned in some nations, it is still used in developing countries as an insecticide. The uses of pesticides cause problems

Monday, November 18, 2019

In the United Kingdom the big four supermarkets of Tesco, Asda, Essay

In the United Kingdom the big four supermarkets of Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's and Wm Morrison have gained a steadily increasing - Essay Example In recent time some of the retail giants of United Kingdom like Sainsbury, Asda, Morrisons and Tesco have been accused of swindling the suppliers by paying them the bottom prices or finding some other way by which they can pressurise the suppliers to pay the cost of the unsold or perished goods. There are also other ways by which the suppliers are exploited that includes paying lower than the agreed price after the delivery of the order, delaying to pay them, make changes in the order at the last moment, making the suppliers to bear the cost, forcing the supplier to use certain specific expensive hauliers for delivering their goods and often ruining the supplier due to lack of cash flow. The supermarket retailers even pressurised the suppliers to pay for the shoplifted goods and making their profits to rise high, when they are expected to be lower. The study focuses on this issue. Supermarket competition Relentless rise in the supermarkets has given rise to the concern regarding thei r holdings over the suppliers and the customers. A research conducted by TNS Worldpanel, the market research group has concluded that the big four retail giants of UK Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Asda and Tesco holds almost three quarter of the grocery market that amounts to about 74.4%. Tesco is the leading supermarket that holds the biggest share. The report suggests that for every ?8 the consumer spends ?1 goes towards the business of Tesco. In 2004 it has been recorded that the retail sector of UK amounts to almost ?246bn, which is more than the amount if the economies of Ireland and Switzerland are combined together. This implies that the retail sector offers quite a significant amount (BBC News, 2006). (Source: BBC News, 2006) According to the reports of the All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group, almost half of 278,630 shops in UK are managed and owned by a sole trader. These small local stores are losing their market because of the growth of the supermarkets that are gradually moving towards the convenience store format. As per the report of Association of Convenience Store for the last twelve months till June of 2005, 2000 independent convenience stores closed their operations owning to the growing competition of the supermarkets. The Office of fair Trading (OFT) has been investigating the two main issues firstly the competition that surrounds the worries regarding the competition in the supermarkets and abusing relationship between the supermarket and the suppliers. The OFT has claimed that there is no restriction on the grocery market, which prompts a widespread scorn from the action group and the local shops. OFT further states that there is no need of incorporating any type of reform in the ways the super markets are operating; though there are claims regarding application of bullying tactics by the four big supermarkets. According to the recent declaration of OFT there are significant indications regarding increase in the purchasing power of the cu stomer of the supermarket (BBC News, 2006). Area of Concern The corner and local shop areas are becoming the potential places for the growth of the supermarkets. The four big supermarkets face certain restrictive measures that pave the pathway for expanding their operations by following the convenient store format. This also helps the supermarkets to target the customers who are cash rich

Friday, November 15, 2019

Drug Policies And The War On Drugs Criminology Essay

Drug Policies And The War On Drugs Criminology Essay The War on Drugs is an aggressive drug policy aimed at bringing the fight towards drug suppliers and cartels. It began during Nixons term when he escalated Americas problem with drugs as a moral equivalent of war (Ratliff). Presidents Ford and Carter expanded Nixons resolve when they focused the war by attacking the supply lines of drugs. Reagan followed through by militarising and launching strikes to suppliers and drug cartels and tripling its funds in drug eradication. The War on Drugs went on for years with the United States running a foreign policy that sought to encourage, persuade, bribe, or coerce its neighbouring countries (Ibid) to join them in their giant crusade against drugs. South American countries mostly supported this war because this increased their chances to receive U.S. aid. War on Drugs became a media maelstrom in the mid-80s when basketball stat Len Bias died of cocaine overdose. What followed was the signing of the Drug Policy known as the Anti-Drug Abuse Act that placed the problem of drugs as a national security problem. With the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, the U.S. government started to use military and intelligence forces in the war against drugs. What started as a metaphor actually escalated into reality when the US. Military invaded Panama to seize Manuel Noriega in 1989, who was then imprisoned for drug trafficking. Afterwards, during the Clinton administration, the United States increased its funds in countering the supply-side of drug trafficking. George W. Bush added billions more to the war on drugs effort, though by this time. The so-called war on drugs have become a very unpopular issue and many have become opposed to it. The war on drugs has also lost steam since it has been a foregone priority as the United States has become focused on countering international terrorism. Despite this the debate continues, for almost 40 years in its existence, U.S. has shuffled opinions on what to do with the decades-old policy on the crusade against drugs. Should they hang up their gloves and look for alternative solutions. The government has weighed in the pros and cons of the matter. The pros on the war on drugs are looked in the sociological importance of continuing the crusade. It is believed that drug trafficking is a flagrant disrespect of the law, and society is compelled to punish such rebellion through overt force. Punishment and retribution are the keys to stopping drug trafficking and therefore the justice system should criminalise the activity and all its forms. Therefore, putting traffickers behind bars is part of the literature of war. When theyre shut out, drug availability is reduced; and so when you decrease the availability of drugs, abuse goes down too. In short, the war on drugs is really about tackling the supply side of drugs. The U.S. government directs its efforts in purging all supply lines and drug cartels to stop the availability of drugs. When the United States elevated this priority into their foreign policies, what they actually did was to compel other countries to take care of their citizens in terms of health and safety, protect its youth from becoming corrupted by drugs and pushers. The U.S. war on drugs spread like wildfire reminding that this is not just one countries war, the problem of drugs is a global human problem that everyone should take seriously. In the process, because of the war on drugs, elaborate institutions and industries around the world emerged from prison systems, anti-terrorism, anti-money laundering-governments became more aware. However, the downside of the war on drugs is staggering. To many, the war just ended up as the militarization of Latin America. Mexico is now spending $800 million to a billion a year on the drug war (Tavis), just because they dont want Americans invading them just like what they did in Panama. So Mexicans do it themselves: 90% goes to enforcement and the military to purge drug trafficking and only 10% goes to drug treatment. A good number of local officials argue that good share of that gargantuan budget should have gone to Mexicos under-education, impoverishment, etc. The same goes with Colombia and the rest of South America. To the general opinion of many, the U.S. led war on drugs is just a silent Vietnam War that is putting civil war into a boiling point. Dissidents on the war on drugs argue that the term itself war is an inappropriate metaphor. It gives the wrong idea. Yes, there is nothing wrong about thinking war on drugs in the context of law enforcement. Law enforcement is an indispensable tool in control and outlawing drug market-related violence. Very few contend on this argument. But when you start to think a war on drugs as sending troops to other countries then that is a different matter entirely. This is something many have opposed to, like the way Americans now bitterly opposes the war on Iraq. In this case, the war on drugs truly fits its description, a war that amounts to billions that are operated from a situation room, targeting an exact enemy; the suppliers, the factories, the Colombian drug cartels, the problems they cause. But to operate the war on drugs as if America is up against the Nazis is looking at the problem from the wrong end. Here, drug trafficking runs in two ways: there are the foreign suppliers and theirs the local demand. You just cant solve the problem by military strength when the problem also comes from within? Thus, heres where the biggest criticism of the war on drugs: its too short-sighted. Its examining only one side of the pole. This war on drugs has escalated so far that the U.S. government no longer mind about collateral damage. They want to win the war conventionally. But what should be understood is that this is a war against people. For example, Colombia is a place of continued violence between left-wing guerrillas and right-wing militias. Peasants have nothing more to live on besides growing coca because theres demand for it. Now, with the war on drugs, the United States want to stop growing coca at all costs, without giving aid to peasants to do other profitable livelihoods. So the peasants end up as collateral damage. By killing the supply lines, the U.S. believes that the demand will die. And so they keep focusing on the killing supply by all means possible, even by arrogant policies such as the potential annual decertification of Latin American government that are determined not to cooperate with the United States (Ratliff). Why the war on drugs became so criticised, it is because of this very policy, which has strained and continues to strain relations with Latin American countries. The negative effect of these policies has weakened foreign institutions of garnering support from their own countries, especially if they adhere to the United States. In fact, theres a growing number of Hispanics that are already disenfranchised with the whole crusade (Tavis). There are generally two factions: one started supporting guerillas (who wants America to be decertified) and the other looking for ways to distance themselves with the U.S. and not cooperate like Mexico has done. For experts, they are of a strong opinion that America should not continue the war on drugs on the basis that focusing only on the supply side of the problem will not amount to anything, it will only be a waste of money. What U.S. should do is start facing the reality that the real problem comes from the demand side; that the root of the problem is from within. You cant call a war when the problem is within. You need alternative solutions. One example is to look at the problem not as a security threat or even a delinquency but rather as a health problem, stemming from a lack of education or youth cultural disillusionment. The way to treat drugs is to spend more money on schools, treatment efforts, not on prisons and on the military. Another problem with the war on drugs is that it looks at very limited solutions. For example, the so-called war is too focused on marijuana (Conan). Other drugs, like crack and other harder drugs, tend to be overlooked. Violent crimes are mostly committed by someone on hard drugs, not on marijuana. Now if they only focused on harder drugs, you can get a little more done. After President Obamas inauguration, the new drug policy was to drop the war on drugs term from the language of the administration. This is a drastic change from the approach of previous presidents and steer the new drug policy towards prevention harm reduction strategies that is much favoured in Europe (Glaister). The new administration embraced new drug policies supporting federally funded needle exchanges with an aim, according to David Johnson, assistant secretary of state, was to establish a policy based on public health needs (ibid). The objective of this new policy that replaces the war on drug stance is to create stronger and broader regulations than the drug policies in the past. The executive director of the Drugs Policy Alliance, Ethan Nadelman, has long sought for alternatives to the old policy of war on drugs, and the changed that Obama instigated was a welcome relief to his organisation. Washington officials reaffirmed in a congressional meeting held in March 2009 that the administration had to shift the age-old national drug policy as a response to the growing trend that drug-related violence has been transferring from the US to Mexico despite the aggressive military campaign against drug suppliers. The meeting followed a report from former presidents of South America, particularly, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, who all opined that the war on drugs policy was a complete and utter failure (Ibid). Many conservative politicians in the South blamed the United States for emphasising more on criminalising drug use and drug supplying rather than tackling the addiction problem itself. The criminalization and the aggressive approach of the war on crime only create an increase death toll. The new approach must, therefore, be based on public health. Obama is looking at a more proactive side in creating a new drug policy aimed at reform and rehabilitation, rather than intimidation. This is a lesson learned from the damages that the War on Drugs has created. Through over-criminalization, it has so far assaulted American civil liberties, clog the jails and courts. This new policy also paved the way for police corruption, like what happened in the 1999 Rampart Scandal case that involved department-wide corruption and racketeering of the LAPD. The war on drugs is also open for abuse by misguided police officers that confiscate drugs to criminals and then enrich themselves by reselling it. Worse, the war on drugs has so far cost the taxpayers approximately $3.2 billion during the Reagan and Bush presidency and then another set of billions were spent during Clintons administration (Drug Policy). Furthermore, because of it, the United States was suddenly propelled as having the highest per-capita incarceration rate for any nation in the world. The problem is drug use has not decreased and crimes committed in connection with addiction and drug use continue the upward trend. It seems there is no stopping a great number of Americans of wanting various drugs and they always have the money to buy a quick drug fix. $3.2 billion was spent on law enforcement, not a dollar went to rehab centres. Most of them went to the military to combat alongside Latin American governments to build para-militaries against cartels. What should have been done is to spent that money back home and treat the root of the problem of addiction and lack of education on drug use. Obama, who described in his autobiography having used marijuana and cocaine, steered his administration to finally get rid of the war on crime and treat needle exchanges for intravenous drug users a healthcare issue (Sullivan). Because it is true, obviously, that putting drug users in jail would not do anything concrete if you dont treat them. Once released, they return to the same neighbourhood and is back to the same problem. This is what the new drug policy should be addressing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Cause Of The Civil War: Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin Essay -- essays re

During the period between 1790 and 1850, the United States was rapidly changing. It was now a separate country with its own economy, laws, and government. The country was learning to live on its own, apart from England. There began to appear a rift between North and South. The North believing in the Puritan Merchant role model, and the South in the role model of the English Country Squire. The North traded with everyone, while the South traded primarily with England. The major crop in the South was tobacco, and because of the decline in the price of tobacco the slave trade was dying, just as those in the North hoped it would. Then came a man, and an invention, which changed the course of history. In 1792, Eli Whitney visited the plantation of Catherine Greene, the wife of Revolutionary War general, Nathaniel Greene, near Savannah Georgia. He watched cotton being cleaned; a very long and time consuming process to do by hand. Watching the cotton being cleaned an idea came to Whitney. He decided he would build a machine that would clean cotton faster than it could be done by hand. Thus, he created the cotton gin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This invention changed the way the South functioned, and the ripple effect it created changed the course of history forever. The ripple effect caused by Eli Whitney’s cotton gin can be seen as the driving force behind many of the conflicts between North and South, and eventually culminating in the Civil War. Before Eli Whitney’s invention, slavery was dying in the South. The price of tobacco had plummeted, and planters were freeing slaves because of the high cost of feeding, housing and clothing them. When Eli Whitney introduced his invention the cotton market exploded. Cotton began to be grown in enormous quantities because it was good for making clothes, and with the invention of the cotton gin easier to produce. This explosion in the growth of the cotton market rejuvenated the slave trade. This time, though, the slave trade was not between the U.S. and Africa, but instead between the Old South, and the New South. The Old South began to â€Å"bree d† slaves to sell to the cotton farmers in the New South. These farmers needed large numbers of slaves because once the cotton was ripe, it needed to be picked quickly. The price of slaves skyrocketed, and this new crop ensured the practice of slavery would continue. This continuati... slavery breathing new life into the South, and in the country economy as a whole. With this rejuvenation came problems between North and South over moral differences. These differences created a rift that widened until sectionalism overtook nationalism. This rift was temporarily closed several times but ultimately the differences between North and South were so ingrained in their respective culture that it took a war to change. The wide and far-reaching effects of this event can be viewed as a pond, the country, when a pebble is thrown into it the ripples become larger and larger until they come in contact with something that can stop them. As the proverb says, â€Å"A butterfly that flaps its wings in China can cause a hurricane in Kansas.† Bibliography Eli Whitney Museum. Organization Page. 3 December 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Green, Constance. Eli Whitney and the Birth of American Technology. Harper-Collins College Division, 1995. Hays, Wilma Pitchford. Eli Whitney and the Machine Age. Franklin Watts, 1959. Wilson, Mitchell. American Science and Invention: A Pictoral History. Simon and Shuster, New York, 1954.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility Essay

Q2) â€Å"Evaluate the relative importance of corporate social responsibility relative to other corporate objective† (40 Marks) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a firm’s decision to accept responsibility for its social, environmental and ethical actions. A firm’s decisions whether to adopt and rank importance to CSR should be due to a variety of reasons, like the financial stability of the company aswell as the culture of the organisation. But one definitive factor would be a firm’s corporate objectives, corporate objectives are a quantifiable statement of a business’s goals which should include measurable targets. Essay will look to examine the relative importance of CSR in relation to other corporate objectives. Many companies underlying corporate objective is profit maximisation, with this goal ranking higher than any other. This party due to the share holder value theory which makes profit a priority, therefore resulting in many firms qu estioning whether to become more socially responsible is worth the additional costs which would result in reduced profit for the company and key stakeholder’s groups. Primark offers a perfect example to this point, Primark is a retail firm in which offers exceptionally low prices through exploiting cheaper labour from abroad. If the company was to become more socially responsible they would have to sacrifice their unique selling point of low prices which may cause the company to fail. Thus proving how many businesses will see little importance in CSR relative to profit maximization. On the other hand companies whose key corporate objective is profit maximisation should take into account that CSR represents a long term commitment which can help to improve reputation and image of the company. This is due to consumers becoming more and more aware and concerned over where goods are sourced from and how they are made. CSR is therefore likely to route to profit maximization in the long term due to consumers now looking for socially responsible companies, which may rank over price therefore resulting in higher sales and therefore higher profit. This can be seen in the company Marks & Spencer who launched their bag for life campaign promising to reduce the wastage of plastic bags, and also presented an opportunity for Marks to charge for bags resulting in higher profits. Marks & Spencer is therefore a great example of a company who has looked to become more socially responsible and as a result improving their brand and reputation and even creating opportunities to improve profits, therefore demonstrating the relative importance CRS can have with profit maximisation. In contrast profit maximisation should always remain key as CSR in cases can only help to maintain brand value having little effect on overall profit maximisation. In addition, another key corporate objective is market growth, to gain market growth companies invest heavily in advertising costs amongst other promotional campaign, therefore leaving many organisation questioning whether CSR is another cost which is not sure to be beneficial to the business. However supermarket giant Tesco main corporate objective is market growth, but Tesco has recently reported that targets had been underperformed, therefore CSR could be important to this objective. During times of market growth CSR can act as a USP to differentiate the company from competition, which could be why marks & Spencer received higher profits this year after launching their bag for life campaign promising to cut down on plastic bag wastage. Due a recent change in customers views and attitudes towards the environment, becoming more socially responsible could be vital to gain an edge over competition when aiming for market growth. Then again CSR can be dependent on each individual company on whether it holds any importance to key corporate objectives. For example many oil companies whose product is in such high demand that it isn’t necessary for the business to adapt any CSR strategy as the product is so inelastic that people will by it regardless of image or reputation. This is controversially not the case for the oil provider giant BP who recently suffered a massive public relation nightmare after a massive oil spill, leading to a big hit in their reputation and brand image. BP has now ironically made CSR one of their core objectives to help rebuild the reputation and gain market growth. To conclude it is clear that CSR holds an apparent importance to other corporate objectives of a business, with it able to acting as a unique selling point for a business who is looking for market growth this can be seen in the company velvet who recently launched their triple velvet range which promised to plant a tree for every pack sold. CSR can also help in profit maximization as CSR represents a long term commitment which is likely to route to profit maximisation in the future and merits priority. But alternatively CSR is not a law requirement and has been proven that It is not always necessary depending on each company’s products, for examples oil is in such high demand that whether the company adopts CSR or not will not matter as the product is in such high demand it will be purchased regardless. Finally many companies already have a strong brand image and reputation so do not need to adopt CSR within their corporate objectives but can rely on other existing qualities to help to full fill objectives. For example apple offers a unique product with a strong reputation for quality and brand image. All of these factors can help to contribute towards profit maximisation, with image and quality allowing for increased added value to their products helping to increase profit margins. As well as strong brand image and loyal customer base helping to drive companies forward through times of market growth.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Quartz Triboluminescence

Quartz Triboluminescence Many minerals and chemical compound display triboluminescence, which is light produced when chemical bonds are broken. Two minerals that exhibit triboluminescence are diamond and quartz. The procedure to produce the light is so simple, you should try it right now! Feel free to use diamonds, but be aware the light is produced when the crystal lattice is damaged. Quartz, on the other hand, is the most abundant mineral in the Earths crust, so you should probably start with that. Quartz Triboluminescence Materials You need any form of quartz, which is crystalline silicon dioxide (SiO2). You dont have to sacrifice perfect quartz crystal points for this project! Most gravel contains quartz. Play sand is mostly quartz. Go outside and find two semitranslucent rocks. Chances are good they are quartz. How to See the Light First, make sure the quartz is dry. The phenomenon occurs when the crystal lattice is torn apart by friction or compression. Wet quartz is slippery, so its presence will compromise your efforts.Gather your materials in a darkened location. It doesnt need to be pitch black, but light levels need to be low. Give your eyes a couple of minutes to adjust to make it easier to see the flashes of light.Method 1: Firmly rub together two pieces of quartz. See the flashes of light?Method 2: Strike one piece of quartz with another. Now, you may also get actual sparks using this method, plus you may chip off splinters of rock. Use eye protection if you go this route.Method 3: Walkthrough dry sand. This works well at a beach or in a sandbox, but the sand must be dry or else the water will cushion the crystals.Method 4: Crush a piece of quartz using pliers or a vise. This method is especially nice if you want to take a video of your project.Method 5: Do what the Uncompahgre  Ute did and fill a tr anslucent rattle with bits of quartz. Shake the rattle to see the glow. The native tribes used rattles made of rawhide, but a plastic bottle works fine, too. How Quartz Triboluminescence Works Triboluminescence sometimes is called cold light because no heat is produced. Material scientists believe the light results from a recombination of electrical charges that become separated when crystals are fractured. When the charges get back together, the air is ionized, producing a flash of light. Usually, materials that display triboluminescence are displayed an asymmetrical structure and are poor conductors. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, however, since other substances display the effect. Its not restricted to inorganic materials, either, since triboluminescence has been observed between vertebral joints, during blood circulation, and even during sexual intercourse. If its true the light results from ionization of air, you might expect all forms of triboluminescence in the air to produce the same color of light. However, many materials contain fluorescent substances that release photons when excited by the energy from triboluminescence. Thus, you can find examples of triboluminescence in just about any color. More Ways to See Triboluminescence Rubbing together diamonds or quartz is not the only easy way to observe triboluminescence. You can view the phenomenon by pulling apart two pieces of duck tape, by crushing wintergreen candies, or by pulling the Scotch tape from its roll (which also produces x-rays). The triboluminescence from the tape and the candies is a blue light, while the light from fracturing quartz is a yellow-orange. Reference Orel, V.E. (1989), Triboluminescence as a biological phenomenon and methods for its investigation, Book: Proceedings of the First International School Biological Luminescence: 131–147.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Eng Annotated Bibliograph Essays - Educators, Teach For America

Eng Annotated Bibliograph Essays - Educators, Teach For America Professor Voll Eng 105 31 Mar 2015 107 Annotated Bibliography Thesis: In todays world, a lot of students are not receiving the quality education they deserve because the lack of successful teachers. Many students who live in high area's schools are getting an excellent education they need in order to be successful in the future, opposed in urban community students lack the quality of a good education. However, this has significantly changed from an organization Teach for America, which was established to ensure students who are living in poverty have the same opportunity to have access to higher education. Behrman, Jere R., and Nevxer Stacey. The Social Benefits of Education. Michigan: U of Michigan, 1997. Print. This book, The Social Benefit of Education discusses the advantage and benefits of a good education. The population are potentially considerable and has changed many lives of students. The increase of education is highly getting strong and positive in terms of correlating with the measure of health, strong families, childrens wellbeing, a good clean environment and a host of many more things. The book The Social Benefits of Education talks about the correlation and government intervention regarding education. This is considered to be a useful source to implement into my research paper. It contains information that is relevant to my topic, such as how education is a way to benefit students and teachers in so many ways in term of professional and personal life. Spring, Joel H. American Education. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Print This book is a great source because it pertains to my topic and talks about the power and the importance of education. How children need to be taught effectively in order to learn and grow as human beings. The author writes that education was a meaning for keeping a county in line. It is imperative to have students understand society needs an education and problems that cause lack of education. Joe Spring also addressed education and equality. In one of his chapters he focuses on student diversity in America. The majority of the nations is seeing a great increase in diversity in terms of families that relocate for job opportunities, improved political conditions, or illegal immigrations. Spring discusses also the current diverse population has made dramatic improvement. He really talks about a variety of things in the book. I think this source provides a ton of good information that can enhance my research paper. Hammond, Darling. "Does Teacher Preparation Matter? Evidence about Teacher Certification, Teach for America, and Teacher Effectiveness." Http:// N.p., Oct. 2005. Web. 28 Mar. 2015. In this article, studies have shown the great usage of Teach for America teachers are on the edge of being as effective and competitive as teachers in general who have certification for teaching. In other words, there has been a debate on how TFA teachers are considered to be more successful than teachers who has been through the process of testing and training requirement for a certification. The article also tells how the data shows Teach for America teachers are candidates that are from rigorous, selective universes, where they are required to receive weeks of training prior to teachingare as effective as similar teachers who are experienced, certified teachers. This article demonstrates that Teach for America teachers have been proved to be a good well-educated and a good resource for children in a successful matter, regardless. This is a good thing because TFA teachers are not considered to be certified teachers and still are able to perform well as other teachers. This is a g ood, very useful source for my research paper. It talks about the greatness of TFA teachers and how they are able to be successful just like a typical teacher who is certified to teach. It also goes on to relating to my topic, because my research paper is going to be regarding children who are living in poverty are not able to attain a good education. However, education equity that children are facing stops when TFA teachers are established to make an impact and change in children's lives. Teach for America organization is not only helping their teachers become more successful and gain leadership skills, but also have a huge impact on

Monday, November 4, 2019

Interaction and Engagement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interaction and Engagement - Coursework Example Subsequently, the study will examine another project and offer five alternative design ideas that seek to enhance the interaction of the users with its technology and amongst themselves in a simple, yet engaging manner. However, rather than focusing on how specific technologies work to create the effects, the study will dwell on suggesting simple solutions that can produce the â€Å"Wow† factor. The case study being considered for this study is the â€Å"Piano Staircase,† a project created under the initiative of Volkswagen. THE PIANO STAIRCASE (Shinn 2010:6) The project, â€Å"Piano Staircase,† offers a staircase adjacent to an escalator on a subway in Odenplan, â€Å"Stockholm, Sweden† that makes passersby wonder as to what option to take (Shinn 2010:6). This was part of Volkswagen’s experimental campaign known as the â€Å"Fun Theory† that seeks to find out whether incorporating some innovations in design that contain the fun element can i ncite people to â€Å"engage in good behaviours† such as climbing the stairs instead of using the escalator (6). While Volkswagen and their PR professionals purport this as the fun element for the sake of entertainment, in actual practice they are aiming at analysing the needs of their audience and meeting their requirements in â€Å"new forms† (6). ... An analysis of Volkswagen’s innovative concept reveals that the inclusion of fun factor has enabled active interaction of most of the audience of the Piano Staircase as can be verified from the video clipping on YouTube. Their concept of encouraging more passersby to â€Å"choose the stairs† by providing a fun element in the design, works perfectly fine in this video (Piano Stairs: The Fun Theory 2009). The beginning, the video shows a nondescript, mundane staircase remaining unused by passersby who prefer the adjacent escalator. However, once Volkswagen adorns the staircase flooring with a piano key design on the floor, it attracts public attention. As a result, a couple of passersby, who initially decides to go by the escalator, reverses their decision and takes the stair after they notice a woman coming down the stairs and perhaps on listening to the sound of the piano notes as well. Subsequently, the video shows the number of people who take the stair increasing and as the video progresses, it shows the passersby interacting in different ways with the staircase and these interactions engage them intensely and actively with various aspects of the design of the staircase. For example, the pair of youngsters who walk the stairs finds the fun of the music quite engaging and fascinating. Lured by the design’s interactive charm, the boy hops around, in tune with the music. Similarly, a lone man walking the stairs jumps from key to key to listen varying notes of the piano. On the other hand, when a woman walks a toddler, the notes play the tune of â€Å"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.† In this manner, the piano notes cater to different audiences by understanding the needs of different users so that they can interact with

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leadership Factors Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Factors - Assignment Example I do not believe that the authentic leadership questionnaire is really valid because the answers are too subjective to provide a real understanding of one’s leadership style. Description of My Scores My scores on the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire (ALSAQ) are as follows: Self-awareness, 13; Internalized moral perspective 17; Balanced processing, 10; Relational transparency 10; with a total of 50. According to Northouse (2013) all of these scores show weakness as an authentic leader when tallied individually. However, when the scores are added together, the final score falls within the high range (Walumbwa and Associates, 2012). When I look at these scores individually and the questions that were added together to create the score, I cannot say that these scores represent me or anyone as an authentic leader. According to Tobias (2011) the area of self-awareness is to measure the personal insights that a leader has and whether they understand their strengths and weaknesses. I scored a 13 in this area but I thought this was not a good indication of my ability. As an example, one of the numbers that determined this measure was number nine which read, â€Å"I seek feedback as a way of understanding who I really am as a person.† If someone seeks feedback from others to know who they are, I would say this is a weak leader. I said this would not describe me at all. In the next section, internalized moral perspective, Tobias (2011) states that this section measures an individual’s moral code and values. It also tells whether an individual has their own control or is controlled by others. I live by my own moral code and I do not allow other people to control how I act or react to situations. I believe this is a better way to live than to have someone else tell you what to do. Tobias (2011) states that the third category, balanced processing, measures critical thinking and the ability to take in information and make decisions after listening to other people’s opinions. Again, I think this is not a true measure of a person. I think it is better to stick to your own ideas, taking other people into consideration, but you must make the decision eventually. Welch and Welch (2012) say that being authentic shows that the individual is likable. I think this is true. People who are open and honest as far as they can be, are people who can be trusted. But, this is a perception and not necessarily a reality because it is based on how someone perceives someone else. Tobias (2011) states that he final section, relational transparency, measures how the leader communicates with others and expects that they will communicate openly and honestly. I scored a 10 on this section. I believe that I communicate well with others, but if I were leading a team, I would not reveal everything about myself to that team. I think that one can be authentic without telling all the details of their life. Implications of the Scores for M y Effectiveness as a Leader I do not think these scores really give an idea of how I would be as a leader. The scores are subjective, which means that I could change my mind about some of the scores and get a better score in the end. I think that these types of scores are like taking any personality quiz or romance quiz that one can find on the Internet. Nothouse (2013) states that this test has not had enough empirical evidence to show that it is valid. I would not take this test seriously if I wanted to know how I would be as

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


TOPICS CHOOSEN BY WRITER IN ACCORDENCE WITH PAPER INSTRUCTIONS - Essay Example The key question is that The USA has one of the highest poverty rates in the world and its getting worse for the nation, with a total population of almost 37 million Americans living below the official poverty line, living on less than the substantiated amount of funds required to fulfill their food, clothing and lodging needs, so how do they need to be helped? Despite efforts made by the government in countering this issue, poverty has seen to be increasing in the near future; since the time that the recession hit the country, almost 27% of the people have been living in doom. â€Å"The report warns that the numbers will continue to rise, because although the recession is technically over, its continued impact on cuts to welfare budgets and the quality of new, often poorly paid, jobs can be expected to force many more people in to poverty. It is also difficult for those already under water to get back up again.† (Geal, Chris) America has a diverse range of people living that fall under the vulnerable part of society and has not been able to recover them since the recession; this has led them to further tumble into a state of mass poverty, something they are not able to come out of. Their social security needs have not been taken care of the government on a large scale and this is leading the circle to simply grow larger. In the recent times, the country has also been hit by a large number of natural disasters like hurricanes which have caused widespread and mass levels of destruction – homes have been destroyed and what does not seem to help is the fact that it is the poor that have been targeted by this act of god more than the wealthy sections of society. Unemployment in the economy is another major issue that has led to rampant poverty; the lack of jobs in the country, despite the repeated efforts of the government and the President’s motivational speeches, have done nothing for those that fall below the poverty

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Mongols Essay Example for Free

The Mongols Essay The Mongols swept across Asia and Europe in a bloody rampage. Killing over 6,107,000 people from the years 1220-1258. Treating women like a piece of meat meant to fulfill the pleasure of men. But how Barbaric were the Mongols on a scale of one to ten? Well the Mongols were very barbaric because they were uncivilized, brutal, yet conquered much territory. â€Å"Come out so that we may count on you according to our custom.† And when the people come out to them they seek out artisans among them and kept these. But the others with the exception of those they wish to have as slaves, they kill with the axe†¦This statement proves in many ways that the Mongols were uncivilized. Also soldiers would execute prisoners by shooting them with arrows or by burying them alive upside down in the dirt and tying there arms so they cant dig themselves out. Causing a slow excruciating bereavement of suffocation. Even the Mongol Yasa (laws) and Bilik (rules) were barbaric men were allowed to cheat on women having as many wives as they please but women could only have one husband and if a dad was to die then it was okay to marry all of his wife’s except for his own mother. Could you imagine our society if Mongols were in control? (Doc: 5, 10) â€Å"†¦Severed the heads of the slain from their bodies and heaped them up on piles†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Sounds Brutal doesn’t it? Can you imagine the people who could kill someone cut there heads of then pile them up like some piece of rubbish? Well the Mongols sure were brutal no doubt about it. They were so brutal they killed over 6,107,000 people from the years 1220-1258. In fact, it was commanded that the town of Nishaphur should be laid waste in such a manner that the site could be ploughed upon; and that †¦. Not even cats and dogs should be left alive. Also thief’s, did not exist in the Mongol life because they were so scared of the consequences of robbery that even the poorest sole wouldn’t dare think about steeling. Could you imagine how scary it must have been to be a Mongol or even one of there rivals? (Doc: 4,7) Finally, Under Genghis Khan the Mongols were great conquerors. They subjugated over 4,860,000 square miles. The Mongols had revolutionary war tactics such as, before a fight they would surround the enemy. Having there people (men, women, children, and some times dummy’s) on horses to make the other army think they were fighting a huge crowd causing panic among them as the Mongols came closer and closer attacking their enemy. With this tactic and many others Mongols both brought an onslaught and conquered a large amount of Asia and Europe. No wonder why the Mongols ruled the largest empire known to men for nearly 300 years. (Doc: 1, 6, 3) In conclusion the Mongols on a scale of one to ten were about a seven when it came to how barbaric they really were. Mostly Because of there strategies of war, laws, rules, execution of prisoners, conquest, and finally how brutal all together they were as a group of people. This is true due to the fact the Mongols were crude, atrocious, yet conquered a great deal of terrain.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Changes in the American Diet Essay -- essays research papers fc

I. Introduction A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This paper will consider the adaptations of the United States to a changing diet, from the early to late twentieth century. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of this project is to research the evolution in American cuisine throughout the 1900s, towards a more convenience-based pattern of food consumption. The modernization of the United States, particularly in terms of the workforce, will be examined as it relates to a changing diet. Finally, some effects of these changes will be described. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Background: Early Twentieth Century Cooking III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Modernization of the United States A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women in the Workforce B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technological Advances in Food Preparation C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Less Time Spent in the Kitchen IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Changes in American Diet A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Background: Early Twentieth Century Cuisine B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Rise of Convenience Foods 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prepackaged and frozen foods 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fast food industry 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eating away from home C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nutrient Levels, 1900-present D.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Increase of Fats and Sugars in the American diet E.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Increased Food Consumption V.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Discussion A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Qualifications B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conclusions C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Suggestions for Further Study VII. Works Cited Introduction This paper will explore the culturally adaptive, yet physically maladaptive, changes in American diet from early to late twentieth century. A shift from traditional to convenience foods coincides with the general modernization of the United States, specifically in the role of women in the home and in the workforce. As America changes from a rural nation to one that is urban and industrialized, with rapidly increasing technology, more and more women are seen in the workforce. This increased activity allows less time for preparing meals, and modernization makes spending this time unnecessary. However, increased accessibility of food, and especially convenience food, leaves... ... and dietary adequacy.† Ecology of Food and Nutrition 14 (1984): 105-115. Bindon, JR. â€Å"Some implications of the Diet of Children in American Samoa.† Collective Anthropology 1 (1994): 7-15. Bowers DE. â€Å"Cooking trends echo changing roles of women.† Food Review 23 (2000): 23-30. Dortch S. â€Å"America weighs in.† American Demographics 6 (1997): 38-46. Dyson LK. â€Å"American cuisine in the 20th century.â€Å" Food Review 23 (2000):2-9. Goodman P. â€Å"Time capsule: dinners and entrees.† Frozen Food Age 51 (2002):37. Goungetas, B, and K Morgan. Snacking and eating away from home. In Peter F, What Is America Eating? Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1986. Krebs-Smith J, SM Krebs-Smith, and H Smiciklas -Wright. Variety in Foods. In Peter F, What Is America Eating? Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1986. Marcus MB, and A Spake. †A fat nation.† U.S. News and World Report Aug. 2002: 40. Schlosser E. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York: Perennial 2002. Tillotson JE. â€Å"Our ready-prepared ready-to-eat nation.† Nutrition Today 37 (2002): 36-39. U.S. Department of Labor. Employment Status of U.S. Civilians by Age and Sex. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2001