Sunday, January 5, 2020

Gitlow vs New York - 1233 Words

In the twenty century, the U.S society was in the period of tending to be a human base society. The laws in America were introduced to create a fair and regulated society for its citizens. The First and Fourteenth Amendment of Constitution granted that the U.S citizens have the freedom of speech. And the New York State had its law of Criminal Anarchy Act since 1902 for â€Å"organized government should be overthrown by force or violence, or by assassination of the executive head or of any of the executive officials of government, or by any unlawful means (n.p).† The citizen in the any state of the U.S should always both obey the state law and follow the national constitution. Otherwise, the citizen would get corresponding punishment for jail,†¦show more content†¦The United States Supreme Court considers about the national interest to judge the guilt of Gitlows behavior. First of all, the First Amendment of Constitution about the citizens freedom of speech is not comp lete. It does specify the treatment to some special situations. In the â€Å"Ayn Rand Column†, it records Ayn’s understanding go the freedom of speech mentioned in the Fist Amendment of Constitution. Freedom of speech includes the freedom not to agree, not to listen and not to support one’s own antagonists. A â€Å"right† does not include the material implementation of that right by other men; it includes only the freedom to earn that implementation by one’s own effort (n.p). As a citizen of America, Gitlow has the rights to express his opinions in politics, but his speeches were clearly harmful for the harmony of the whole society. Moreover, his speeches were unlawful in the state laws of New York. Citizens rights and their responsibilities should be balanced. While the government grants citizens with the rights of free speech, individuals should also control their speech in a certain limited way. Citizens should not do anything that violates other citizens rights, or even cause danger to the whole society because the entire citizens have the equal rights to be protected. Benjamin Gitlows speeches of anti-government conflicted with the law in New York State. The state government would able to superviseShow MoreRelatedThe Constitutional Doctrine Of Selective Incorporation1580 Words   |  7 Pagesarticles consisted of the Continental Congress; a weak legislative body that an expanding nation of Americans believed was incapable of governing. In response to the uncertainty amongst the civilians, the idea of creating a new form of government was the issue at hand. Once the new constitution, modified after England’s governing system, was sent off for ratification, it became the topic of appraisal. Opponents criticized it because of the absence of a bill of rights. 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