Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personhood Chart - Click Here to Get Instant Solution

Question: Draw Personhood Chart. Answer: Christianity Materialism Personal View Relational United States is having majority of Christianity followers. It helps people to know about gods plans and purpose regarding their life. Materialism followers are people who think god is not controlling their life Bourassa Laing (2014). Rules and regulation re very important for living a proper life. Multidimensional Christianity followers should be aware of all cultural aspects Wilkinson (2009). They should also know about the spirit, tradition of their religion. Materialism followers spend their life as per their own beliefs, thoughts, views and others. Cultural and religion aspects play important role in individuals life. Sexual Regarding sexual life Christianity is having different rules and regulation, which is to be followed by every Christianity follower. Materialism followers do not follow any predefined rules by any religion. They perform sexual activities as per their own beliefs, views. Every religion defines rules and regulation for sexual activities, which should be followed by everyone. Moral Christianity moral explains their ethics, theories, philosophies and beliefs. Every Christianity follower has to live their life as per these only. Materialism moral are different for every individual. Every materialism follower has their own beliefs and thoughts for life. Ethics and code of conduct are very important for living happy and prosperous life. Mortal Mortal in Christianity explains their mortal sins. It helps people to know what wrong acts according to Christianity are. It explains people list of wrong and correct acts. Every individual should avoid wrong acts in their life. Destined for Eternal Life Eternal life is life after death. Christianity explains if people performs wrong act they will be sent to hell. If they perform good acts in their life, they will go to heaven and meet god. They believe after death eternal life depends on peoples own activities. After death life depends on individuals act and decided by God References Bourassa, L., Laing, R. (2014) Materialism. [Iowa City]: PhotoStatic. Wilkinson, P. (2009). Christianity. New York: DK Pub.

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