Friday, September 13, 2019

A Brief Outline of American Politics Assignment - 1

A Brief Outline of American Politics - Assignment Example It is considered that the speed of striding indicates the power of a person, and more speed means a person is powerful and physically fit. There is, however, a difference in the manner of walking by both the politicians. While walking, Vladimir moves his shoulders back and forth. He exudes energy while walking and makes strong gestures, all of which indicates that he has animal power and is extremely active and strong. On the other hand, Bush portrays himself as having the traditional American power. While walking, he does not make any significant movements of the shoulder. He appears to be calm and controlled which indicates that he does not waste his energy without reason. Bill Clinton has a rather charming personality which becomes apparent when he is communicating with ladies. This is reflected in the manner he smiles while speaking, and his voice is friendly and passionate. II. Karl Rove is the political advisor of Republican candidates and is regarded as a strong strategist. His major agenda is to attack the strong points of the opponents and make them seem like their weak points. For instance, there was the Republican presidential nominee John McCain in the 2008 United States presidential election. He had the reputation of being a war held and prisoner of war. As part of Karl Rove’s strategy, the supporters of George W. Bush in South Carolina created doubts that the years of torture by the Vietnamese may have mentally affected John McCain. In this way, Karl Rove undermined McCain’s glorification of being a war prisoner by alleging him as mentally incompetent (Slater, 2012). As part of 2006 presidential campaign of George W. Bush, Karl Rove has taken the advantage of immigrants for political gain. His strategy was to focus on anti-immigration policies to divert the attention from failed leadership. It was part of Rove’s divide and distract strategy within the Republican Party. He worked towards making the compromise on the issue of immigration in order to comply with the demands of congressional Republicans.  

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