Tuesday, September 10, 2019

American Kitchen Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

American Kitchen Revolution - Research Paper Example The Architectural design upon which these works were laid depended on the North American basics and eclectic combinations of European architectural techniques, manipulations, and practices (Smith, 1976: 76). The preliminary commencement of American architecture dates back to the regal tradition of the United States and the practices that transpired as a result of the evacuation of European background. The American melting vessel grew and both the edifice and planning practices advanced. This in turn led to the dawn of the colonial style which became the cornerstone of the architectural progress of the United States. The outstanding consideration of these designs focus on the balance between classical and gothic ideals. Some of the common European monuments like Gloucestershire serve as benchmark for this piece of work. It therefore goes without objection that the kitchen is inextricably correlated to this discovery. The hearth remains in various historical sites helps to establish th e dating of this. Instead of the fridges of the 19th century, root cellars were used to maintain the cold temperature of foods during summers and offered a conducive environment for preservation of food stuffs during winter (Smith, 1976: 76). Another preservative method during the ancient kitchen era was the smoke house. It was very vital for preservation of both fish and meat. The early hearths invented were either of clay or stone origin. The hearths could either be deep or shallow, depending on the size of the homesteads. The fire places had fixed revolving spits and clips that could be used to hang meat. This had to be substituted with the wake of change though gradual. It came with the enactment of the sociological evolution which authorized the open air kitchen integrated with living room. Care was however taken not to contaminate the whole apartment. The later days ushered in the contemporary styles where a combination of the sobriety, clever storage solutions and cutting edg e technology was put in place (Smith, 1976: 76). Mr. Wright coined the word ‘’usonia’’ to guide the architectural designs in the USA as per the ideals of the American democratic ideals. This was meant for the vision of the moderated small and affordable houses then. These houses had in them central hearths, open kitchens, and window walls. They assumed the horizontal plan reminiscent of a storey building. The kitchen largely remained impervious by the many architectural plans and progress that there were during the middle ages. Only open fire places served this purpose. However old these kitchens may sound or look, the old kitchen houses were built together with the main house described as palace in Europe and had such inclusions as arms, flax, silver spoons, brass, pewter and iron among other stuffs and therefore served their intended role. They also had counter tops made from linoleum. They were superb structures compared to the small wooden houses that dotted some of the ancient fields. They had completed and well revamped gates, bright gardens, a fine canal, offices, orchards, and walks. Pertaining to this urge of putting up a desired kitchen, there emerged a major bottleneck which was the establishment of an appealing place for the location of a kitchen cabinet. This was meant for storage of food and pots away from sight. One known appliance of the time was the pantry dresser. The homes lacked modern pipes and thus forced

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