Saturday, October 19, 2019

Apple versus PC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Apple versus PC - Essay Example With such distinctions being many questions have arisen in regards to which machine is truly superior. Through a consideration of a variety of components of each machine, this essay demonstrates why the Mac truly has higher quality than the PC. When consider computer technology one of the primary considerations that individuals make is in regards to cost. Oftentimes the Mac is derided in relation to the PC because of the significant cost differential between the two machines, with the Apple Macintosh generally costing a few hundred dollars more than the traditional PC. While these are valid complaints, ultimately they prove erroneous when one notes that the Macintoshes’ hardware warrants the cost differential. A recent study was conducted that compared the top of the line Dell Computer to the Apple Macbook Pro in terms of cost and efficiency. The study indicated that, Dell's Inspiron line doesn't currently offer processing power equaling that of the MacBook Pro. To get a 2.33- GHz Core 2 Duo processor (a 2.4-GHz version isn't available yet), you have to move up to Dell's more expensive XPS M1710 with Vista Home Premium. Once I did that, though, and tricked out the M1710 with only those extras it had to have to compete with the MacBook Pro, I was surprised to see the Dell come in at a whopping $3,459, some $650 more than the Apple product (Finnie). In these regards, the study indicates that when adding the same hardware technology to the PC that the Mac already has included, the Mac demonstrates significantly more value. This demonstrates that while ostensibly the PC is cheaper, in reality the Mac comes with significantly more value and quality. Another major consideration that one makes when considering the effectiveness of computer technology is the computer’s overall efficiency. Many PC users remain unfamiliar with the intricacies of computer technology and contend that the PC actually is a more efficient machine than the Mac. Still, when examini ng this question more thoroughly one discovers that in reality the Mac is a significantly more quality machine. Consider the parts that are used within the Mac as compared to the PC. A general qualitative investigation demonstrates that the Mac has a sleeker design that doesn’t bend and creek like PC plastic compartments. Another prominent element in terms of efficiency is the operating system. The PC only allows users the option of implementing Windows, while the Mac is equipped to run both Windows and OS X. This difference allows Mac users to tailor the operating system for the specific task, greatly improving computer quality and efficiency. It’s clear then that the Mac is better than the PC in terms of overall efficiency. A final consideration that is made regarding Mac and PC’s is within the realm of general useability. Oftentimes PC users claim that the Macintosh is an inferior product because it is purposely made more difficult to use as a means of differ entiating itself. In reality, this is an erroneous assumption and that Macintosh is an overall more useable machine. Consider a number of specific different between the computers. One of the major differences between the machines is the fast and effective boot time in the Apple. While having to wait an extra-minute or for a computer to load may seem like an insignificant problem, when this element is

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