Sunday, October 6, 2019

European Studies 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

European Studies 2 - Essay Example This paper attempts to explain why and in the process discusses the qualities and characteristics that make a good leader, based on the views of Machiavelli, which seem to do violence on the popular concept of leadership. According to Machiavelli, good intentions, strong moral convictions and even technical expertise do not guarantee success in the political and administrative arena (Dobel, 1998). â€Å"The man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous.† A man from the common people may aspire for the highest post, and he can do alone or with the help of others. If he becomes a leader through his wealth rather than through popularity or force of arms, he is still said to have become a leader with the help of others. The reason is that the people will look not to him but to his wealth as the source of his power. The people’s attitude will be based not on the strength of his character or the wisdom of his acts but on the state of his finances. Machiavelli counts liberality and generosity as among the various qualities it is desirable to see in a leader, but â€Å"the reputation for liberality or generosity is better than the practice thereof.† In other words, one does not need to be liberal or generous throughout. The important thing is he acquires a reputation for these predilections without going overboard. The danger with a thoroughly liberal disposition, according to Machiavelli, is that this is likely to â€Å"consume his whole substance in things of this sort†¦ and be obliged, to maintain his reputation for liberality, to burden his subjects with extraordinary taxes and to resort to confiscations and all the other shifts whereby money is raised.† By consuming the means for practicing liberality and generosity, these dispositions lead to a reputation for the opposite. In general, leaders are better off if they are loved rather than feared by their constituents. Machiavelli,

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